Visit to Leon Löwentraut in Baraka.

During her visit to Senegal from 10 to 19 September 2017, Ambassador Ohoven was accompanied by the very famous young 19-year-old painter on behalf of Leon Löwentraut, her family and the German gallery owner Dirk Geuer.

In a strategy to promote the project « Cité Baraka » in order to improve the living conditions of the populations, the « Mama Blonde » of Baraka keeps making the neighborhood to the celebrity German. It is in this but that the German painter Leon Löwentraut, his family, the German gallery owner Dirk Geuer and two journalists to agree to come to Senegal at the invitation of Mrs. Ambassador Ohoven and visit Baraka.

Leon’s visit to Baraka; It is a day that has marked the population and this is the reason why it is a right to a warm welcome as is the case every visit of our « Blonde Mom » ​​in Baraka.

Aftergreetingsand thanks from all the people of Baraka, Leon surrounded by children was presented as being a great STAR visited primary school, hairdresser, IT center and blogger’s office.rps20171006_220512

After the visit of all the infrastructures, the whole delegation went around the Baraka district. Leon also brought and donated 4 footballs to the Baraka Football School.

rps20171006_220300Even though Leon is a very famous painter artist, he is also a young full of life cause why this is a football game with the youth of Baraka.

rps20171006_220237The whole population went out to support and encourage it.

The population thanks the YOU FOUNDATION for having amused an artist like Leon Löwentraut in Baraka. Thanks « Mother Blonde » for all the effort you are making for the success of the « Cité Baraka » project.

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